Every time I step into my, or a clients kitchen, I consider it therapy time. But this past time, that therapy took on a whole new meaning. I had the privilege to cook for a number of widows of our fallen soldiers. Now, I read quite a bit about the second World War as well as Vietnam, so had a preconceived notion of who would be attending. I guess I’m showing my age, because I was not ready for a number of the ladies to be in their early twenties. As I began to prepare the meal, one of the women had red, puffy eyes and excused herself from the room on a number of occasions…it took quite a lot for me to collect myself and continue on. When the meal began, the mood seemed to slowly change from a somber event, to a seemingly, more lighthearted evening. Now I will never claim that my food did anything to erase the pain that hung in the room, but I do feel that the community created by the coming together of friends around a great meal allowed for a certain amount of healing between these ladies, after all, meal time is a time for us to gather, and when we gather, we share. So gather your friends and family around the table and share a laugh, some love, a bit of therapy for we could all use some!
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