Who Would Have Thought That A Chore To Most, Could Be Good For You!
Cooking can decrease stress…how you may ask, because cooking involves all of our senses: the vibrant colors of fresh tomatoes, the velvety texture of butter lettuce, the sound of a searing tenderloin, the smell of crispy bacon, and last but not least, the flavors, oh the flavors we taste…perhaps it is these sensory cues that take us to another place, a quieter place, into a visceral moment, not thinking, just feeling. When we engage is something that is creative, fun and inspiring, our mind is able to roam, slow down and escape stress. That is where the magic happen! You are creating something from scratch, something tangibly necessary to life, and something that offers immediate gratification (could that be the final goal?… in this society of now, now, now?) Never…we do it for the moment, the peace, the basic simplicity, and finally, the flavors we experience…now bid stress adieu and cook, cook, cook…
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